Astronaut Scholars

Next campus deadline: March 2026

UCB recipients! 

The Astronaut Scholarship Foundation awards more than sixty scholarships valued up to $15,000 for selected STEM scholars, as well as a paid trip to ASF’s Innovators Weekend. The ASF scholarship award is the beginning of a life-long relationship with astronauts, alumni, and leaders who span academia, technical research, and corporate leadership.

Prospective applicants must make an individual advising appointment with Keila Diehl, the Astronaut Scholarship campus representative.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicants must:

  • be a U.S. citizen, either native born or naturalized
  • be a STEM major going into their junior or senior year (Note: Special consideration is not given to aeronautical/astronautical engineering students or those intending to pursue careers as astronauts.)
  • have completed two years of full-time study at an ASF-affiliated university or institution
  • be enrolled for both semesters of the ASF-supported year as a full-time student
  • intend to pursue research or advance their field upon completion of their final degrees (note: Students intending to pursue a practice in professional medicine are not eligible for the scholarship. However, those intending to perform biomedical research are eligible)

Note: Students who received the Astronaut Scholarship during their junior year may reapply through their university for consideration for a second year of funding.

Selection Criteria

Applicants will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • exemplary academic performance, as evidenced by application materials
  • the quality and amount of work conducted outside the classroom in student’s chosen field of study (may include laboratory research, cooperative education, internships, relevant military experience, entrepreneurial endeavors, and/or documented independent work resulting in technical papers, patents, or similar work product)

in addition to:

  • display of creativity and ability to move into unknown territory
  • potential, ability, and drive to do research, develop new ideas, pursue inventions, and pursue innovative technologies
  • exhibition of motivation, imagination, and exceptional performance in their field of academics and/or research,
  • conveyance of intellectual daring and a genuine desire to positively change the world around them, from both, or either, within the classroom or in their community
  • recognition as a leader through their activities on campus or in the community

Application Requirements

  • Campus application form
  • Two letters of recommendation, including one from student’s P.I. at UC Berkeley
  • Personal statement (1 page)
  • Transcripts from all colleges and universities attended (a PDF of your Academic Summary from Cal Central is acceptable at the nomination stage; nominees will need to provide official transcripts)
  • C.V. or resume


For more information about this opportunity, visit the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation website (opens external site).