National Scholarship Recipients

Eli Glickman 2024-2025

Eli Glickman (’25, Political Science and Public Policy) is interested in the intersection between national security and emerging technologies. Eager to expand opportunities for students to engage with national security and foreign policy issues, Eli co-founded and leads the Alexander Hamilton Society at Berkeley and established the General James Doolittle Strategic Studies Fellowship to create a forum for the ROTC and civilian communities to study strategy jointly on campus. He was a 2023 Hertog War Studies Scholar at the Institute for the Study of War, an intern for U.S. Senator […]

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Profile of Eli Glickman

Thomas Mangloña II 2019-2020

Past recipient - profile no longer available.

Rebecca Peters 2013-2014

Past recipient - profile no longer available.

April Joy Damian 2005-2006

Past recipient - profile no longer available.

Jini K. Kim 2002-2003

Past recipient - profile no longer available.

Celina M. Yong 2000-2001

Past recipient - profile no longer available.

Hong-han Lin 1997-1998

Past recipient - profile no longer available.

Mark Yablonvich 1992-1993

Past recipient - profile no longer available.

James A. Garcia 1990-1991

Past recipient - profile no longer available.

Andrew J. Bowman 1989-1990

Past recipient - profile no longer available.

Helanie S. Rosenbaum 1987-1988

Past recipient - profile no longer available.

Steven Sherr 1986-1987

Past recipient - profile no longer available.

Tomasz P. Malinowski 1985-1986

Past recipient - profile no longer available.

Gwyn Lurie 1984-1985

Past recipient - profile no longer available.

Ronald K. Tanemura 1983-1984

Past recipient - profile no longer available.

Trudy Lynn Martin 1977-1978

Past recipient - profile no longer available.